The mother's heart is a child's schoolroom.
Henry Ward Beecher
What do you think of when you hear those words? What do you feel? For some there are good and happy memories and feelings. For others there is sadness and maybe anger. It is OK to have the feelings you have!! But the truth is , our mothers write a story on our heart. Positive - negative- disabling- empowering. The story is written. If it is positive, count that as a blessing. If not, know you aren't alone, your feelings are valid, and there is hope and healing for you.
My mother story is one of criticism and not being protected. Wounds were left that are healing still. These wounds changed how I look at myself, how I allowed others to treat me, and how I treat myself. They caused me to expect rejection and colored all of my relationships. To heal these wounds takes internal work- and it is hard work! It involves releasing feelings, changing thought patterns, and learning new relationship patterns. And learning to trust. But it can be done!
My faith has been so important to my healing. It is vital to know we aren't alone. Find someone you can trust to talk to. Do the work and get ready for freedom!
Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close.
Psalm 27:10, New Living Translation