Changes continue

It has been a long time since my last post. So much has happened. My husband passed away in December. It has been quite an adjustment. It is a hard thing to learn to live without someone in your life who loved you and you loved. Donald was a good man, and I hated to see him suffer as he did the last few weeks. After he died, the first few months were so difficult. As a therapist, I have worked with people who were grieving. And you can know about the stages of grief and lots of other things, but it isn’t the same as going through it yourself. I missed him! And the grief would show up at times when I wasn’t expecting it. But I would cry and then take the next step. I had the support of many kind people, and I am so thankful for each of them.

Also, I had NEVER lived by myself in my whole life. Honestly, I didn’t know if I could do it, but Jesus has been with me every step of the way. I have learned that I can do things I never had to do. Sometimes I really don’t like it - but I can do it! And Donald? I would not wish him back here to what his life had become. He is with Jesus now, he is free of his earthly body, and I know he is having a great time!

On the positive side, I finally got the Blessing Box up and running. If you aren’t familiar, the Blessing Box is kind of like a small food pantry. People can take things and also leave things. From the start, there have been amazing kindnesses for me to witness. People need many things, but they also leave many things. There have been toys, books, canned food, toiletry items, socks, and snacks left and taken. It has blessed me like crazy!! Something that has surprised me is how quickly feminine hygiene products are taken. Again, we don’t know what another person might really need. I just found out that a local Vacation Bible School is donating their collection from the week to the Blessing Box. This is so exciting! If anyone would like to donate, please let me know.